We help clients clarify their financial position, goals, and aspirations through a process of discovery.
Together, we develop a view of their situation that goes beyond the numbers and incorporates their core values, life and career aspirations, and mindset.
To help our clients understand the key decisions to be made, we provide fact based and proprietary perspectives on what others like them have done in similar situations.
We help clients refine their thinking and co-create a personalized plan to ensure they’re prepared for whatever life may bring.
We believe that protecting what matters most should be at the heart of every financial plan.
Beyond protection, we help our clients address a broad range of other key needs—such as cash flow management, wealth accumulation, and creating a legacy—with the comfort of knowing that the downside is protected.
Our strategic alliance with New York Life provides access to a company with distinctive product and service expertise, an operating history of over 170 years, and mutuality which helps to align with the best interest of our clients.
We help our clients act on and stick to their plans through transparent reporting, ongoing education, regular touchpoints, and proactive communications.
Recognizing that life rarely unfolds exactly as anyone anticipates, we review client’s plans regularly and provide financial and behavioral coaching that helps them navigate through their stresses, impulses, and biases during moments of change.
As in any trusted relationship, we share the accountability for successful outcomes.
We provide clients with the peace of mind that comes with knowing their needs are met.
*Financial Planning offered through Silas' affiliation with Eagle Strategies LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor.